Wednesday, October 7, 2009


For some reason, I seem to be coming across a lot of stuff about language these days. From Lewis Thomas' "The Youngest Science" (my gift to RK as a reward for doing the dishes and the laundry), I found out that the word 'leech' meaning both doctor and worm (and worm used by doctor) has two entirely different roots. Leech the doctor came before leech the worm, most surprisingly.

Also from one of Thomas' other books is the idea that language is the social network that binds humans, and humanizes us. We would not be what we are, if not for language and our incessant need to communicate.

Magee Women's Hospital has a course on "How to Talk to Your Baby before Your Baby Learns to Talk" where baby sign language is taught to parents. Who knew there was something called baby sign language?

Anyway, the latest in all this:
Olivia Judson (she of the 'Dr.Tatiana' fame) has written on alarm calls in animals:

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