Friday, October 18, 2019


I hear you but I don't see you
An exercise in frustration
Gazing up at treetops
Straining for any sign of motion
A flicker here; a flash there
Under the broad leaved canopy
Behind the thin bamboo criss-crossing
Between the zebra-ed branches
You are a master at hiding

Leeches slither into my socks
Mosquitoes sting through the cloth
While I stare into the woods
Gazing up at treetops
I hear you, but I just cannot see you.

Yet I can't stop myself from pausing
Every time you call out clear
Nor the leap of my heart
When I think you are near
When you permit me
A glimpse of you
Your colors, your grace, your antics

I hear you, and how thrilled I am to see you!

Truly, going out into the nature and turning off one's phone makes one think differently. I am not particularly a poem-loving person, but somehow, this one above came out of some depth of my mind I am not even aware of.

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