Thursday, April 8, 2010

Message to baby

Okay baby,
Come on OUT.
I'm tired of lugging you around
I'm tired of telling people that I am
Not tired
Not sick
Not scared
Not unhappy about how I look
Not finding it difficult to walk
Not concerned about how I might get into my pretty, pre-pregnancy clothes.

If you could move your butt a bit
and wiggle into place
So that you are in the right position
To squeeze out
I will be content
That you are doing something for this process,
That we are equal partners in this deed.

Right now
It feels like you're mooching off me
And will continue to do so
forever and ever.
And all my dreams of turning you into a Man,
one who will cook and clean,
and be courteous and chivalrous
and kind and considerate,
and yet be a true lion and
conquer one and conquer all,
will have to stay as dreams.

Please. Get a move on.


Anonymous said...

Nice poetry! :P

stixnixpix said...

Impatience is turning to frustration.

Anonymous said...

will doing a few 'baby exercises' help?

stixnixpix said...

what are baby exercises?

Anonymous said...

Umm... I was just throwing stuff at ya. You know how they tell you to breathe and push and things like that during delivery, was wondering if doing that in short stretches might help. I know, I shouldn't be in Graduate school with ideas like that. Sorry! :)