Thursday, June 6, 2013


I'm beginning to recall why I didn't like C programming back in college...

Python is supposed to among the easiest languages there is, and I'm struggling.

I have a simple enough exercise to do: there's a text with 4 lines, each containing the name of a sequence, followed by a space, and then a sequence.
All I need to do is to reformat the text into a FASTA format.
But oh lord, I'm tired of writing (actually, correcting) the code for this... every time I think, 'well, that has to be the right way of doing it', I get an 'Invalid syntax' message back.

Still, I HAVE to get this right, so back to the drawing board I go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So why are you learning Python btw? Where are you working now and what are you doing?