We had taken Ani to a place called Oglebay last year for a weekend. Now, Oglebay is in WV where the concept of vegetarian food is viewed with a certain amount of suspicion and scorn and sometimes, outright bewilderment. ["But... but why?" was the response at a restaurant when we asked for a meatless version of something]
Ani was in high excitement mode- very happy, singing loudly and giggling at the lyrics he mangled, usually by modifying all nouns and pronouns to the word "appo", which, in his language, refers to a big job in the loo. "Happy birthday to appo!" he sang loudly.
"And I'm only going to eat pasta and pizza, mummy", declared he. "No more tecchi mammam! No more uppu thuppa!"
We went there, had a great time in the zoo and the playground. The only drawback was the absence of any tasty vegetarian options: there was one pizza and one burger in the entire menu that were vegetarian. We started going to the Italian and Mexican restaurants in the neighboring town of Triadelphia for meals.
On the way back home on the third day, after a cheese-intense meal at one of these places, Ani groaned from the back seat "Mummy..... mummy, I only want tecchi mammam, mummy... I don't want anything else again"
Hah. Ani has passed the acid test for Tamil-nesss: a craving for tecchi mammam*!
*tecchi mammam, or thair sadam, for those not in the know: yogurt rice. South Indians, Tams especially, have been known to survive, and indeed thrive, only on that. It has to be the most evolved form of food invented by man.
Check out this post on the same by Sangeetha Iyer: http://livewire24.livejournal.com
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