Thursday, December 31, 2009

Writing Block

Never fear... not a block when it comes to prattling on my blog, no. But a huge, seemingly insurmountable block when it comes to writing the introduction to the paper I hope to publish (some day).

I have a tendency to strike out unappealing sentences, instead of deleting them, when it comes to work related writing, so that I have a record of my thoughts. When the brain juices are flowing and the little grey cells are churning out ideas at lightning speed, this record is pretty invaluable. Unfortunately, when the engine splutters and the grey cells, instead of tap dancing their way to victory, are sitting and munching cabbage leaves in their ruminations, this record serves as a dismal reminder of how not-far I have come.

Attempt 1: Virally infected cells present viral peptides, in addition to host peptides, on surface MHC molecules. CD8 T cells recognize these viral peptides as foreign (boring... and basic. Could we get to the point, please?)

2: CD8 cells can exhibit non-cytolytic antiviral mechanisms. The most well known of these are interferons (Type I and Type II) and chemokines like MIP alpha, MIP beta and RANTES. (Oh, must not mention interferons at this juncture, spoiler alert)

3: Non-cytolytic antiviral CD8 responses to HIV infection are a well studied...(are they, really?)

4: Non cytolytic responses of CD8 cells to HIV infection are an important arm of the CD8 antiviral (highlight the word “responses” and press Shift+F7 to access Thesaurus. Thesaurus offers "reply", "rejoinder", "answer", "reaction", and "retort". Rephrase sentence to try to use "reaction", instead of "response)

Better move on to attempt #5


Rainbows ahead said...

me too hates introduction!so i usually convince boss to do it for me

Anonymous said...

Maybe when you have finished the rest of the paper, the introduction will become more obvious and clear, no?

P.S.: I'm reading all your archived posts. Very entertaining stuff.