Babies are expensive- or so every shop would have us believe.
After two kids, I know the whole thing is a load of crock.
We're attending a baby shower tomorrow and I thought I should probably take a look at what the couple registered for. Check this out: for $43.... a pail?? Don't you just mean a bucket, Babies R Us? Basically just a place to toss out a dirty diaper. And you call it a pail and charge $43 bucks for a piece of plastic?
New moms-to-be probably go through sleepless nights wondering if they really need a $43 pail, or if they might just get by with a $1 bucket and in their general eagerness to provide what is best for their little baby, they decide, of course they must get the pail! God forbid the baby's little poopy diaper get thrown into a little bucket!
But oh.. we do treat the diapers with some respect.. like a scented plastic bag instead of reusing the grocery store bag and of course, in a safe hidden location ;)
Maybe for the first kid.
By the time the next ones come along, you double bag it and hide it away either in the basement or in a cupboard until trash day!
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